Give thanks
As Catholics, we celebrate Thanksgiving with a deep sense of prayer, gratitude, and joy. It’s a special time to recognize our dependence on our loving Creator and glorify him. We pray that the Lord will fill our hearts with thanksgiving, especially now, in preparation for the coming Christmas season. Brian Caulfield, editor of the Fathers for Good website, encourages us to include a few simple things when we give thanks to the Lord this holiday.
1. Life
How often do you think, It’s great to be alive? Take a moment to reflect on the happy fact that God has created you to love him and to be loved by him.
2. Love
Love is to will the good of another, even if it means less for yourself. This Thanksgiving, perform an act of selfless love or express a word of kindness to those at the table.
3. Prayer
To pray is to converse with God. What a great and powerful privilege this is, to have an open line to the divine, to the God who created the universe! Be thankful that you can pray with the Catholic Church, through the Mass, and receive the Eucharist.
4. Freedom
In many places, the Christian faith is tightly regulated and even persecuted. Be thankful for the freedom we have to pray in public, build churches, speak about Catholicism openly, and bring others into the Church.
5. Heaven
Our time on earth is like a blip on the screen compared to the eternity we are destined to spend in total happiness with God in heaven. Think of this, and be eternally thankful!
—Reprinted with permission from, an initiative for men and their families by the Knights of Columbus.
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