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The Catholic Foodie

More than Mardi Gras

Whether called the Crescent City, the Big Easy, the City that Care Forgot, or simply NOLA (short for New Orleans, Louisiana), the city of New Orleans bears a mystique that goes far beyond simple southern charm. It certainly has that charm.…

‘Wasting time’ as a family

You have probably heard it said that kids spell love T-I-M-E. Most of us know instinctively that this is true. But knowing doesn’t necessarily make it easy to put into practice. Time is the one thing most of us claim to lack, no matter…

Spring brings festive cooking

April showers bring May flowers, as the saying goes. And here in southern Louisiana, that is certainly true. We also get a little extra here because April showers tend to bring more May showers. But that’s OK. Living in a tropical climate…