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Love Your Neighbor

Why not be a monk?

BY KEVIN T. DI CAMILLO Perhaps one of the biggest detriments to young men entering the monastic life is the lifelong commitment — that, plus the extremely long time it takes to become a monk. And, of course, the vows of poverty, chastity,…

Lifting up the arts

"Beauty,” said Fr. Michael Burbeck, “is like a love note from God.” It was the beauty of Renaissance sacred art that led him to God, the Catholic Church, and his ministry. Like many young students, he took a trip to Europe, envisioning a…

Orphan Outreach Ministry

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction. (James 1:27)  Nazar sits in a crib in a bare room, smiling and laughing. Staffers gather around in amazement. They’ve…

LAMP Catholic Ministries

LAMP Catholic Ministries (Lay Apostolic Ministries with the Poor) was founded in 1981 to serve the spiritual needs of the materially poor, and that continues to be its purpose and main focus. The Bronx, New York-based organization currently…