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Five Bible facts for Advent

Advent is the perfect time to learn more about the Gospel stories of Jesus’ conception, birth, and infancy. We call these stories the “infancy narratives.” We are already quite familiar with these stories, but you may find something new or…

Superheroes and saints

Superheroes dominate today’s culture. We need only look at the blockbuster films featuring compelling characters with superpowers to know that Hollywood has found a lucrative formula. The enormous success of Marvel and DC films create an…

How do we know Jesus existed?

BY FR. DAVID J. ENDRES How do we know Jesus ever existed? From time to time an article or a book will make its way into the market arguing that Jesus’ existence was a coordinated hoax or a collective hallucination. Since modern society is…

Finding God in his Creation

Blessed are you in the firmament of heaven, praiseworthy and glorious forever. (Daniel 3:56) During my childhood, we lived in the countryside in a house set on top of a hill. Sometimes in the middle of the night, my father would shake us…