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Fr. Roland Guilmain

I love being a Catholic

Dear Father, I have been silent all my life. I love God with all my heart and love being a Catholic, but have been very quiet about it. No more. I can’t afford to be quiet. I know I must be an evangelist, but I have no idea how. Do I pick a…

Reverence for God

DEAR FATHER: When I was young, my parents and teachers told me that Sunday Mass was very special; we were visiting with God. We showed our respect by wearing our best clothes, blessing ourselves with holy water as we entered the church in…

How do I talk to God?

DEAR FATHER: I was reading a spiritual book about personal prayer, and in the book it talks about how to get into a meditative state and just talk to God. I have a wandering mind and find it very difficult to get into a meditative state of…

What is Happening in Heaven?

by Fr. Roland Guilman, AA Dear Father: What are the souls in heaven doing? Are they worshiping God all the time? Are they able to keep an eye on us on earth?   —Mateo Dear Mateo: Thank you for your ques­tion. It’s always good to be reminded…