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A Father’s love

I am a father and I love my children. Because of this, I want what’s best for them. But that goes without saying, doesn’t it? Love is, after all, willing the good of another. Growing up, I was blessed to be on the receiving end of this…

A good father clings to Our Lady

When my wife and I moved to the Bay Area from southern California, we were stressed. I was starting a brand new job, our first child was less than 18 months old and not sleeping at all, and we were staying at my wife’s parents’ home while…

Fatherhood (video, 10-mins.)

Fatherhood The presence and involvement of a loving father is critical in the development of a child. True fatherhood models itself on God the Father. Former MLB player Mike Sweeney and others share how the faith of a man should shape his…

Top 10 movie dads

Picking the top 10 movie dads was both easier and harder than picking the top 10 movie moms (see here). Easier, because there were more candidates to choose from—and harder for the same reason! (Candidates for worst movie dads are also more…