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Cradle Catholic

The father provides

by Susie Lloyd The tiny plane dropped from a leaden sky as the young flight student struggled to keep it steady against the erratic wind. He sailed over the telephone wires which he could see, and doing so, he narrowly missed a fence which…

Pilgrimage to Midnight Mass

BY SUSIE LLOYD 'Twas the night before Christmas, and the children were nestled all snug in their beds. Nope. Not us. We were going to Midnight Mass. The sun had gone down at 4:30 p.m., and the dark hours which followed made Christmas Eve…

Old school nuns

The broad cobblestoned street curved as you climbed, so I didn’t see the convent until I was standing before its huge iron gates. Its massive bulk loomed like a castle. Going to college in Rome felt grown up until the first time I went…