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Children and Faith

The Problem With Santa

The magical bubble of Santa has been popped. As a child this happened to me on the playground when a neighborhood boy mocked my belief in Jolly Old Saint Nick. I was 10. As an adult this happened recently when my husband and I were told…

My Child, The Atheist

It’s 11:00 p.m. Do you know where your atheist child is? An alarming number of Catholic parents these days have seen their deepest fear come true. Not only have their children rejected Catholicism, they no longer believe in God.…

Some Things Moms Can’t Do

I’m used to being the only dad in a crowd of moms wherever I go. As a father who works from home and raises five kids, I’ve gotten used to it. Recently, I was at my daughter’s basketball game with my other four…

Happy Campers

Any day now, my girls will start hounding the mailman. They’re all waiting for that one piece of mail that holds the key to summer bliss — the camp application. Who will be the first to grab it and run to tell the others? What was it, seven…