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Children and Faith

How to Support Young Adults

Little kids, little problems. Big kids, big problems. Does it have to be that way? Or is there something we can do? Between 17 and 25, a person is bound to go through at least one life-changing transition, and probably several. We…

Born from above

by Fr. David J. Endres Editor's note: This column, Outside Perspectives, addresses a religious topic and seeks to find a common element in another faith while emphasizing the Catholic Church's teaching. Across Christian traditions, the rite…

Free Tablet Not A Welcome Gift

Q.  At the start of the year, our children’s school handed out iPads to every fifth grade student. Consequently, though we had successfully implemented a strict family policy about when and how our daughter was able to interact with the…

Why Do I Have to go to Church?

My husband and I have three daughters who at young ages already express some big opinions about life, including a four-year-old who complains about going to church. She knows what she wants, what she doesn’t want, and isn’t…