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Body & Soul

Do Less This Advent Season

In an age of multitasking, many of us are trying to do more and be more—whether as spouses, parents, friends, volunteers, or co-workers. We’re overworked, overwhelmed, and over-leveraged. We might fool ourselves into thinking that if we…

Faith and Fitness

We all know exercise is good for us. But our relationship with it is … complicated. Some of us are “yo-yo” exercisers. Our treadmills, weights, bikes, fitness apps, and gym memberships see bursts of use and then gather (real or…

Healthy New Year

As someone who has been overweight, underweight, and is now at a healthy, happy place in my life, here are my own top five tips for achieving your health goals: 1. Learn how to eat mindfully. Eat like a young child. Children eat far more…

Developing strength

Strength is the foundation of any physical fitness program. Now, lest there be any confusion, strength and size are not synonymous. So, if you’re saying, “I’m a 78-year-old man; I’m not trying to win Mr. Olympia!” — don’t worry, I’m a…

Is Yoga Sinful?

Some Catholics say yoga is a helpful exercise regimen. Others say it's the portal of hell. What's going on here? She told me her name was Janet and that she was in the office a couple of days a week. She was a trim, petite woman, probably…