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Bible in 5

5 Scripture verses about waiting

The word Advent means “to arrive” or “to come.” We all know how hard it can be to wait for the arrival of something good. And of course, during Advent we are waiting for the best thing of all: the birth of Jesus into our world and our…

5 good reasons to read the Bible

Do you want to become more familiar with Scripture but don’t know where to begin? You’ve come to the right place! Our new column, Bible in 5, will explore a variety of biblical topics in simple lists of five. The entire column only takes…

5 basic Bible facts

Fall means the beginning of a new school year, and even if you’re no longer a student, it’s always a good time to get back to basics! So let’s explore a few facts that will give you some knowledge and confidence when it comes to…

Five Bible facts for Advent

Advent is the perfect time to learn more about the Gospel stories of Jesus’ conception, birth, and infancy. We call these stories the “infancy narratives.” We are already quite familiar with these stories, but you may find something new or…

5 important women in the Gospels

by Amy Ekeh We’re all familiar with Mary, the mother of Jesus; Mary Magdalene; and Mary and Martha of Bethany, who spent considerable time with Jesus and were part of his inner circle. In this issue, let’s look beyond these wonderful women…