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Be Well

Hope & Healing After Abortion

Many post-abortive women believe they’ve committed the “unforgiveable sin.” They often believe that they’re completely alone—no one else they know could possibly have done what they did and no one would ever understand what they’ve been…

55 Ways To Save Money

Everyone reading this probably wouldn’t complain about having a little more green stuff. You know, the stuff we wish grew on trees—cold, hard cash. True, money doesn’t buy happiness, but having a steady cash flow and managing it well does…

Thirty Days to a Healthier You

Lord knows you try—a fridge full of lean meats and Greek yogurt, and those regular walks count toward something. But sometimes achieving and maintaining good health can just feel so overwhelming. It’s worth the effort, though. Not…

Walk This Way

Each Saturday morning Veronica Cogwin and Lisa Green lace up their tennis shoes and sneak out of their homes while the rest of the world sleeps. They get up before dawn and join a group of fellow women with two goals in mind: We will…

Cool Aid

Who says school’s out for the summer? This summer first-aid primer offers a crash course on preventing and treating common summertime afflictions.   The creepy crawlies From fire ants to mosquitoes, there are an awful lot of biting critters…

What’s stopping you?

Regular physical activity may help prevent or delay the onset of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. It also may also increase your energy and boost your mood. But many people don’t know…