A prayer service

Photo courtesy of Assumption University

We join our partners, the Assumptionists, and their religious and academic communities at Assumption University, to pray for those who have died from Covid-19 in this prayer service on March 16, 7pm Eastern. Go to the Assumption University’s page on that date.

From the Assumption University Alumni Relations Office:
As we observe the anniversary of Assumption’s move to remote learning in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, we also remember in prayer all of those who have died from Covid-19 over the past year.

Alumni are invited to join students, faculty, and staff in submitting the names of family members and friends who have died from Covid-19 by using the link below.

These names will be inserted into a memorial book that will be placed in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit. We will pray for these people and all who died from Covid-19 in a Service of Remembrance and Prayer on Tuesday, March 16 at 7:00 PM.

You are welcome to watch this service which will be live-streamed on the Assumption University page.

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