In Memory of “Sean Patrick”

We salute the writer behind "Patrick's Corner" – Charles Stahler

Illustration by Ted Schluenderfritz

Ahh, the memories … that was the gift of “Patrick’s Corner.”

It is indeed with sadness that we announce the death of our longtime friend from the pages of Catholic Digest magazine, Sean Patrick—a pen name for Charles Stahler—who died on November 1, 2022. Read his obituary.

Former Catholic Digest publisher, Danielle Bean, writes of Mr. Stahler: “He loved God, he loved life, and he loved to tell stories.”

Growing-up-Catholic, especially in an Irish Catholic family, became the running theme in so many of the columns that Sean Patrick wrote. For more than three decades, his beloved stories captured the hearts of our Catholic Digest readership. We’ve included a sampling below.

The Mother’s Day Rose

Ritchie Saperstein’s First Confession

Sir Knight

Conversation: A Catholic Digest interview with Sean Patrick


Rest In Peace, Sean Patrick, and may perpetual light shine upon Charles Louis Stahler.

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