Welcome to the new Catholic Digest!

The first issue of Catholic Digest, back in 1936.

For many of us, Catholic Digest is like an old friend. For years we have seen its familiar logo on coffee tables and in the back of our churches. In fact, having celebrated 80 years of publishing just last year, Catholic Digest is undeniably an important part of our history and identity as Catholic Americans, and I am honored to be a part of that story.

With such a rich history, we might grow comfortable and avoid the challenge of change. And yet, at Catholic Digest we know that we are called to serve a rapidly changing population of Catholics, and it is only through change that we can improve and grow. In these changes we see an opportunity to serve and support new generations of American Catholics.

We have made some updates to our design, so you will notice some fresh new layouts and other differences in the way our pages look. We have made department divisions clearer in order to make reading and sharing our content easier. We have also updated our features, interviews, and articles to provide you with even more spiritual support as you live out your faith in your personal life, in your family, in your community, and in the world at large.

Our new logo and tagline of “faith + life” express our mission to support and encourage you as a modern Catholic in all that you do. We know your Catholic faith is important to you, and it is important to us to inspire, inform, and encourage you in that faith.

I am also excited to announce that Bishop Robert Reed, an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Boston and president of CatholicTV, will be teaming up with Catholic Digest as our editor-at-large. You can read his inaugural column and learn more about Bishop Reed and his impressive work as a “media pioneer” in our Q&A with him. I hope you will join me in welcoming Bishop Reed to the Catholic Digest family!

Thank you for being an integral part of all we do. Drop me a line to let me know how we are doing in the important work of supporting and encouraging you in your Catholic faith + life. You are the reason we have been publishing for 80 years — and the reason we look forward to the future with great hope.

I can’t wait to see what the next 80 years have in store!

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