May around the world
By Danielle Bean
At last, it’s May! God is good! After what felt like a never-ending winter season, at last the air is fresh, the sun is warm, and flowers are blooming. This is such a lovely, hope-filled time of year, it’s no wonder we set aside time in May of each year to honor motherhood and our heavenly mother, Mary.
This May is an especially meaningful one as May 13 marks the 100th anniversary of the beginning of Mary’s apparitions to the three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal. Many of us are familiar with the story of Fatima, but if your knowledge could use a little brushing up, Marian scholar Fr. Edward Looney is here to help. In “Living the message of Fatima 100 years later,” (Fr. Looney shares basic facts about the Fatima apparitions, but also some reflections on ways the message of Fatima has value and meaning for Catholics today.
I was delighted to discover that the words of the morning offering I memorized as a little girl and still pray every day have their roots in a prayer Mary taught to the children at Fatima 100 years ago. What “old” Fatima lesson might you make new this May?
Besides Fatima, of course, there are many places around the world where pilgrims flock to honor Mary. Diana von Glahn, co-creator of The Faithful Traveler television series, offers an inspiring list of Marian shrines around the globe, including many that are right here in the United States. You can enjoy a mini “pilgrimage” without even leaving your living room, just by browsing the photos and descriptions of Marian shrines around the world!
In addition to our Marian content, this issue of Catholic Digest brings you a variety of inspiring articles to support you in Catholic living this spring. From questions about what Jesus knew about himself as a child, to the latest Catholic book picks, a roundup of delicious foods made by monks, and a Catholic take on the horror film The Witch, we aim to bring you the very best content to encourage, inform, and inspire you in your Catholic faith.
We love to hear from you! Drop me a line and let me know what’s going on in your corner of the Catholic world this spring. May God bless you and yours at this beautiful time of year!
Danielle Bean is the editor-in-chief of Catholic Digest. Contact her at