Sunday Gospel reflections: Like God, real faith can’t be tamed
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
The word “faith” pops up throughout our readings this weekend like daisies in the fields. It is one of those words we use all the time.
When we have been regular participants in the life of the Church, it’s common to find ourselves taking our faith “on faith.” Our belief system switches to autopilot, and we just move along each day, without much excitement or energy. We make our life-decisions based on practical considerations or the latest theory. We keep our faith nice and tidy in its airtight compartment.
A tamed and controlled faith will never prompt us to sell our possessions and give alms; it will never lead us to dream dreams or climb mountains. It will instead allow us to become lazy and careless servants. We will find that such a faith is absolutely no use when we are suffering or frightened or challenged. So we will go looking for some other thing to console us.
The faith of the Church, in which we share, is faith in God — Father, Son, and Spirit — and there is nothing tamed or controlled about God. The extraordinary energy of God’s unending love for us is always present, and the Spirit of God is forever ready to be our guide. When we choose to live with such a faith, we are filled with joy, and we face each day with courage.
— Marilyn Sweet
Wisdom 18:6-9
Psalm 33:1, 12, 18-19, 20-22
Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19 or Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-12
Luke 12:32-48 or Luke 12:35-40