Sunday Gospel reflections: Justice and love

Second Sunday of Lent, Year A

Detail, "Landscape with the Transfiguration of Christ" by Francesco Zuccarelli, 1788

He loves justice and right. (Psalm 33:5)

Parents generally know how to mete out all kinds of just decisions on a daily basis. My sister gave me the tip on how to end disputes on who gets the biggest slice of pie: “OK, child No. 1, you will cut the pie. And child No. 2, you will get first pick which piece is yours.” It may not mean all parties are happy with the result, but it qualifies as justice in the family. 

God’s plan can also leave some of us unhappy with the results. We don’t always get what we want. What might appear a fair solution for one party may hurt another. Our burdens can seem far heavier than those of our neighbor. Some will feel the sting of sharing what they don’t wish to share. Some will enjoy the benefits of another’s excess. True justice is fundamentally based on love. And where there is love, we will find God.

 — Paul Pennick


Genesis 12:1-4A

Psalm 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22

2 Timothy 1:8B-10

Matthew 17:1-9

“Landscape with the Transfiguration of Christ,” by Francesco Zuccarelli, 1788

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