Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Easter

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“I came into the world as light, so that everyone who believes in me might not remain in darkness” (John 12:4).

I am volunteering at an organization called the Lighthouse, which offers services for the visually impaired. The first time I went there to help, I was not sure of my directions, so I asked the city bus driver if he knew the Lighthouse. His face brightened as he exclaimed, “Oh yes, all the bus drivers know where the Lighthouse is!” The logo of the Lighthouse shining its beacon on the dark water came to life in the face of that bus driver. The light of his expression made some of my apprehensions cease, and I began to focus on my coming visit. Jesus says he is our light in darkness. I have seen the truth of that declaration in the eyes of patients in the hospital. Their faces often light up as they recount how Jesus gives them strength to see the presence of God shining in the darkness of their illness. SR. MARGUERITE ZRALEK, OP

Read more at Living With Christ for May 6

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