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Traveling the Rosary
Every Oct. 7, we Catholics celebrate the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and commemorate the 16th-century victory at the Battle of Lepanto attributed to the intercession of Our Lady. This battle was so important and Our Lady’s intercession…
Where Jesus Walked
I’ll never forget the day my husband called me from the Catholic organization where he worked. “Honey, the boss said that the Pontifical Council for the Family prefers to meet couples rather than just individuals. He thinks that when I go…
Making sense of Medjugorje
I woke on Sunday morning to an influx of social media notifications and texts. A statement about Medjugorje was proclaimed in the parish church of St. James in the remote Bosnian town. Videos people sent me were not in English and not…
The Scala Sancta and the holy doors of Rome
I was blessed to be able to travel to Rome during the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. My friend Elisa and I decided to embark on a pilgrimage during my stay, climbing the Scala Sancta (Sacred Steps) and visiting each of the four holy doors…
A Pilgrimage or a Religious Tour?
San Antonio International Airport was bustling as 34 pilgrims prepared to head for the Holy Land. Expectations were high. Along with the rest of the pilgrims, we were immersed in prayer before departure, as we had been for two months prior…
Catholic Digest Holy Land Pilgrimage: Day 8
Day 8 of the Catholic Digest Holy Land Pilgrimage with Steve and Janet Ray from the Footprints of God pilgrimages. Today there was an optional day to visit the Jordan Valley, Jericho and the Dead Sea. We were able to visit a…
Catholic Digest Holy Land Pilgrimage: Day 7
Day 7 of the Catholic Digest Holy Land Pilgrimage with Steve and Janet Ray from the Footprints of God pilgrimages. Today our day started with mass at the Garden of Gethsemane at the Basilica of the Agony. On our way into the church…
Catholic Digest Holy Land Pilgrimage: Day 6
Day 6 of the Catholic Digest Holy Land Pilgrimage with Steve and Janet Ray from the Footprints of God pilgrimages. Today was an overwhelming, but powerful and grace filled day. Our day started very early with a wake up call of 4:15…
Catholic Digest Holy Land Pilgrimage: Day 5
Day 5 of the Catholic Digest Holy Land Pilgrimage with Steve and Janet Ray from the Footprints of God pilgrimages. Today we traveled to Bethlehem. I expected to see the birthplace of Jesus and then visit the cute little town where it…
Catholic Digest Holy Land Pilgrimage: Day 4
Day 4 of the Catholic Digest Holy Land Pilgrimage with Steve and Janet Ray from the Footprints of God pilgrimages. Today we started out with a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee. The boat was modeled from a fishing boat used during…