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Mark 1:7–8–And this is what [John the Baptist] proclaimed: “One mightier than I is coming after me.…
And this is what proclaimed: “One mightier than I is coming after me. I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals. I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the holy Spirit.” –Mark 1:7–8
St. Augustine–If you are Christ’s body and members, it is your mystery that is placed on the table…
If you are Christ’s body and members, it is your mystery that is placed on the table of the Lord, it is your mystery that you receive. … Be what you see and receive what you are. –St. Augustine
St. Charles Borromeo–He who desires to make any progress in the service of God must begin every day…
He who desires to make any progress in the service of God must begin every day of his life with new ardor, must keep himself in the presence of God as much as possible, and must have no other view or end in all his actions but the divine…
C.S. Lewis–What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it.
What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it. –C.S. Lewis
St. Ignatius of Antioch–My search is for him who died for us; my love is for him who rose for our…
My search is for him who died for us; my love is for him who rose for our salvation. –St. Ignatius of Antioch
St. Raymond of Penyafort–As you drink the cup of the Lord Jesus (how glorious it is!), give thanks …
As you drink the cup of the Lord Jesus (how glorious it is!), give thanks to the Lord, the giver of all blessings. –St. Raymond of Penyafort
5 tips for reading the Bible daily (and sticking with it!)
As we ring in the new year, many of us will make resolutions or think about how we want to live in 2020. Why not resolve to read the Bible for a few minutes every day? The Bible can help you understand God, yourself, and others better. It…
St. Francis de Sales–The chief exercise of prayer is to speak to God and to hear God speak in the…
The chief exercise of prayer is to speak to God and to hear God speak in the bottom of your heart. –St. Francis de Sales
St. Ambrose–Born of a virgin, he came forth from the womb as the light of the whole world in order…
Born of a virgin, he came forth from the womb as the light of the whole world in order to shine on all men. His light is received by those who long for the splendor of perpetual light that night can never destroy. The sun of our daily…
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton–O, that my soul could go up with my blessed Lord! That it might be where he…
O, that my soul could go up with my blessed Lord! That it might be where he is also — thy will be done — my time is in thy hands. –St. Elizabeth Ann Seton