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Love Your Neighbor

Better Way Detroit

by Lori Hadacek Chaplin In May 2018, desiring to help the less fortunate, Fr. Marko Djonovic approached homeless men and women and offered them an hourly wage and lunch to clean up Detroit parks. He felt that exchanging work for pay —…

Why not be a monk?

BY KEVIN T. DI CAMILLO Perhaps one of the biggest detriments to young men entering the monastic life is the lifelong commitment — that, plus the extremely long time it takes to become a monk. And, of course, the vows of poverty, chastity,…

What the poor can teach us

Shortly after his election, Pope Francis explained why he took the name “Francis” as his papal name after St. Francis Assisi. “How I would like a Church that is poor and for the poor,” he said. The notion that the Church shouldn’t just help…

Lifting up the arts

"Beauty,” said Fr. Michael Burbeck, “is like a love note from God.” It was the beauty of Renaissance sacred art that led him to God, the Catholic Church, and his ministry. Like many young students, he took a trip to Europe, envisioning a…