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College Guide

Saving for College? Start Early

When it comes to saving for college, it’s never too soon to begin putting money away. “College is a big ticket item,” said Tony Luckhardt, financial planner at Foster & Motley in Cincinnati. “It gets more expensive.” In…

Key College Finance Terms

Adjusted Gross Income (AGI): A student’s or family’s wages, salaries, interest, dividends, etc., minus certain deductions from income as reported on a federal income tax return. Commonly referred to as AGI. Award Letter: An offer…

2016 Catholic Digest College Guide

Across the United States, Catholic colleges and universities enable students to develop professionally without losing their Catholic identity. Catholic Digest’s college guide presents academic and financial information from schools in all…

This Is Not Summer Camp

Choosing a college or university with your child can be one of the most difficult decisions families face. But there’s help. Catholic colleges offer summer programs to help high-school students understand what will be expected of them in…