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Savoring Sundays
Pray to the saints before mealtime
October is my favorite month. With October comes a distinct change in the air. And after the relentless heat of summer, almost any change in weather — no matter how small — is a welcomed change. Yet it’s more than just the change in…
The simplicity of summer eating
Whether it’s the radiant pastels and shadows of a sunset, the brilliance of a blooming sunflower, the delicate dignity of a daisy, or the infectious giggle of a toddler, the most beautiful things in life tend to be the simplest. And as…
‘Wasting time’ as a family
You have probably heard it said that kids spell love T-I-M-E. Most of us know instinctively that this is true. But knowing doesn’t necessarily make it easy to put into practice. Time is the one thing most of us claim to lack, no matter…
Spring brings festive cooking
April showers bring May flowers, as the saying goes. And here in southern Louisiana, that is certainly true. We also get a little extra here because April showers tend to bring more May showers. But that’s OK. Living in a tropical climate…
And now for something new
by Jeff Young A new twist Nothing is new under the sun,” wrote the author of Ecclesiastes (1:9), and he’s right … mostly. As a recipe writer, that quote often echoes in my mind while I’m trying to come up with something “new” in the…
Breaking Bread with the Word of God
by Jeff Young Jesus cooked. He cooked breakfast, to be precise. You can find the account in John 21:1-14. This was after he rose from the dead, after he had already appeared to the disciples, after he had already breathed on them and made…
Peace from the Lamb of God
BY JEFF YOUNG I don’t suffer well. I wish I did, but the sad fact is that I don’t. I have witnessed other people suffer well ... men, women, and children who experience accidents, sickness, and losses with grace and humility. Historically,…
Remember the Holy Souls at Mealtime
by Jeff Young November ushers in the end of the year, the end of the season of autumn and, as it turns out, the end of the Church’s liturgical year. Each year in November the Church celebrates the consummation — the end — of its liturgical…
Hut! Hut! Shredded Chicken Tacos
BY JEFF YOUNG Are you ready for some football? I hope so, because this month kicks off the new football season! Down herein New Orleans, I look forward to all the Saints’ games, and I admit to feeling giddy when they win. Yet, as odd as it…
‘Love begins at home’
In 1977 my mom and dad took me and my younger sister to see the original Star Wars movie on the big screen at Cortana Mall in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, which housed a new theater that had just opened a few months earlier. I was almost 7 years…