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Savoring Sundays
Be gracious and hospitable this Christmas
SPICY-SWEET BOURBON PECANS Does the thought of the approaching holidays fill you with panic? If so, you are not alone. December can be a particularly chaotic time for most families. There’s shopping, school holiday events, office Christmas…
Anticipating Christmas: Shrimp and Okra Gumbo
BY JEFF YOUNG In November 1971 Carly Simon released her second studio album, Anticipation. The title track of that album soared to No. 3 on Billboard’s adult contemporary chart, and the following year it nabbed her a Grammy nomination for…
Apple, sweet potato, and turkey stew
What are you going to do with all that leftover Thanksgiving turkey? Try this! 2 to 3 teaspoons canola oil 1 medium onion, chopped 1 large carrot, cut into bite-size pieces 1 rib celery, cut into thin slices 1 parsnip, peeled and cut…
Thanksgiving green bean salad
1 cup cider vinegar ¼ cup sugar 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 to 3 quarts canned green beans 1 to 1½ medium onions, peeled and sliced 1½ teaspoons salt ¾ teaspoon black pepper In a small bowl, whisk together the vinegar, sugar, and oil…
Favorite Carrot Cake Muffins
You read about Kathryn Oates' friendship with her mother and their bonding over cooking in Cooking with my mom. Now try your hand at making one of their favorite recipes. 1 cup oatmeal flour 1½ cup unbleached organic all-purpose flour 1…
Don’t get spooked: Make something delicious with what you have
The summer heat in south Louisiana can be oppressive. It’s not like the dry heat of southern California or Arizona. No. It’s a heat with teeth ... and a fiery humid tongue that licks right through you. It’s a heat that bakes your…
Learning to savor Sundays
Growing up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Sundays were all about family and food — good food. During the formative years of my childhood and beyond, my mom and dad would drive me and my younger sister to my paternal grandparents’ house after…
The joy of summer cooking
The summer heat is relentless in south Louisiana. With its humid, subtropical climate, folks in these parts tend to slow down significantly in the summertime. It’s too hot to move fast. But slowing down is good for us anyway, right? It…
Let your love of Mary blossom in May
by Jeff Young For centuries Catholics have fostered a special devotion to Mary during the month of May. What child in his or her Catholic school or parish hasn’t been mesmerized by the solemnity and sweetness of the annual May Crowning? I…
Savor everyone at the Thanksgiving table
Thanksgiving embodies the idyllic family feast, at least for us here in America. Our literature, movies, television shows, and commercials (!) all pick up the theme: Thanksgiving is for family. Even our statistical data bears this out: 95…