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Faith by proxy

by Susie Lloyd When I was 8 days old, my parents carried me to the baptismal font and gave me the gift of faith by proxy. Nobody asked me first. My godparents were my oldest brother Jon and my grandmother. It was their job to recite my…

Fatherhood (video, 10-mins.)

Fatherhood The presence and involvement of a loving father is critical in the development of a child. True fatherhood models itself on God the Father. Former MLB player Mike Sweeney and others share how the faith of a man should shape his…

A Catholic response to suicide

The severity of the suicide epidemic in the United States is a public health issue. What causes it, how to understand it, and how to prevent it has become a more common conversation, and yet suicide still remains a complex, sensitive, and…

Addicted to Video Games

Q. My husband and I are in our early 30s, and he grew up playing and enjoying video games. It’s a hobby he has continued, and now he and our sons, ages 11 and nine, spend hours in the evening and on weekends huddled together in our basement…