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Prayer aware: Five ideas to help your children become more attentive at family prayer time
Many people ask me how I get my children to pay attention during family prayer time. They admit that their own children drift off during family prayers even after a minute or two. They wonder how they can encourage their own children…
Ways to be a pro-life family
January marks the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and the annual March for Life, so it's a natural time to promote respect for life from conception to natural end. But what does it mean to “respect life”? What does it mean to be “pro-life”?…
How to Get Teens to Stop Texting, Start Talking
Q. For years, my husband and I looked forward to having grandchildren, and when our grandkids were little, it was a truly wonderful time. We used to have them at our house and would spend time together baking cookies, reading to them,…
The father provides
by Susie Lloyd The tiny plane dropped from a leaden sky as the young flight student struggled to keep it steady against the erratic wind. He sailed over the telephone wires which he could see, and doing so, he narrowly missed a fence which…
Making back-to-school easier
Summer vacation is coming to a close. As a parent you have the opportunity to instill a positive attitude and a strong work ethic in your child for the upcoming school year. Ease into the routine Getting into the daily school-year routine…
How having children changed Mass and why we keep going
There was a time in our life where Mass was a quiet place for worship. Time to reflect on life and all that has been given to us. Then, we had kids. These days Mass can be more like a three-ring circus, but without cotton candy — we have…
Learn to ponder as parents in the midst of daily life
One of the most striking themes present in the Gospels is how our Heavenly Mother would ponder or reflect on “things in her heart,” specifically when related to her son. Mary’s example demonstrates to modern parents how to go about our…
‘Dadding’ — one day at a time
by Matt Archbold Christopher Columbus dreamed that he could navigate the globe in a short period of time. Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned, and despite good intentions his name since then has been subject to scorn and…
A Father’s love
I am a father and I love my children. Because of this, I want what’s best for them. But that goes without saying, doesn’t it? Love is, after all, willing the good of another. Growing up, I was blessed to be on the receiving end of this…
What my dad taught me
Puttering. Plain talk. Making a cookie sandwich... daughters learn strange and wonderful things from their fathers.