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Learn to ponder as parents in the midst of daily life
One of the most striking themes present in the Gospels is how our Heavenly Mother would ponder or reflect on “things in her heart,” specifically when related to her son. Mary’s example demonstrates to modern parents how to go about our…
‘Dadding’ — one day at a time
by Matt Archbold Christopher Columbus dreamed that he could navigate the globe in a short period of time. Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned, and despite good intentions his name since then has been subject to scorn and…
A Father’s love
I am a father and I love my children. Because of this, I want what’s best for them. But that goes without saying, doesn’t it? Love is, after all, willing the good of another. Growing up, I was blessed to be on the receiving end of this…
What my dad taught me
Puttering. Plain talk. Making a cookie sandwich... daughters learn strange and wonderful things from their fathers.
The faith of a child
“Let’s go to France,” my fiancée Laurel, said. We were planning our honeymoon and had airline miles donated to us. It was the perfect opportunity to see where she studied abroad and traveled extensively. Yet, symbolic of marriage, we…
Praying for our adult sons and daughters
by John J. Boucher Once, while setting up for a workshop about “adult children,” three parents approached me. Maria lamented, “I brought my kids to Mass every week, but only one out of three is now willing to go to church.” Frank added, “My…
Without a mother, I can’t enjoy Mother’s Day
Even though my four children spoil me on Mother’s Day, this day is always tinged with sadness for me because my mom, Sharon, passed away nearly seven years ago. She died from breast cancer two months shy of her 70th birthday. Mother’s Day…
Teachable Moments: When divorce affects parenting
Q. How do you suggest defending against the culture’s assault on childhood when it comes via an “inside job?” My soon-to-be-ex-wife previously saw and resisted it, but in recent years she has pretty much given into it rather than fight it.…
Ministries for Grieving Parents
After a schoolmate of mine recently lost both of his children in a car accident, I began to wonder what kinds of ministries were available to grieving parents who have lost a child of any age. I discovered that there is a dearth of…
What should we tell the kids?
Help your children manage their stress more effectively in these tough times