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Learn to ponder as parents in the midst of daily life
One of the most striking themes present in the Gospels is how our Heavenly Mother would ponder or reflect on “things in her heart,” specifically when related to her son. Mary’s example demonstrates to modern parents how to go about our…
Brother Victor’s grilled summer squash & zucchini
1/2 cup good olive oil 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary, minced 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves, mashed with the flat of a knife 3 garlic cloves, minced 1 tablespoon lemon juice 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar sea salt and freshly ground pepper…
Celebrate the Blessed Mother with a Special Treat
August is an august month for our Blessed Mother! August is dedicated (in addition to the Blessed Sacrament) to her Immaculate Heart. On the 15th, we celebrate her assumption into heaven and on the 22nd, we honor her queenship. This month,…
Fresh herbs, melons, and grapes
Eighty-year-old Rosaline Delzoppo of Cleveland, Ohio, expects nearly 30 guests for a special buffet dinner this August. She’ll start cooking several weeks in advance, ordering skate — a whitefish — from a fish market downtown to make…
Raspberry custard soufflé
Try this healthier version of the famous fluffy dessert Canola cooking spray 2 tablespoons plus 4 teaspoons sugar, divided 1 cup defrosted frozen, sweetened raspberries 1 tablespoon and 1 1/2 teaspoons defrosted orange juice concentrate,…
The truth about vegetarian cooking
Did your last attempt at vegetable gardening yield three growth-stunted zucchini and a cup of shriveled cherry tomatoes? Is the box of healthful couscous in your pantry hiding behind a family-sized package of ramen noodle soup? Are you…
9 Signs of a Healthy Relationship
One of the most common questions I am asked as a Catholic psychologist relates to whether or not someone is in a healthy relationship. Often a young woman will give me a certain scenario and ask me to comment on whether it is a “make it or…
‘Dadding’ — one day at a time
by Matt Archbold Christopher Columbus dreamed that he could navigate the globe in a short period of time. Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned, and despite good intentions his name since then has been subject to scorn and…
A Father’s love
I am a father and I love my children. Because of this, I want what’s best for them. But that goes without saying, doesn’t it? Love is, after all, willing the good of another. Growing up, I was blessed to be on the receiving end of this…
What my dad taught me
Puttering. Plain talk. Making a cookie sandwich... daughters learn strange and wonderful things from their fathers.