Browsing Category
Your child’s first Holy Communion and confession shouldn’t be their last
The statistics are sobering. According to a study published in 2015 by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University: Only 22 percent of Catholic parents are attending Mass weekly or more often. 68 percent of…
That green light is on
For those of us old enough to remember, the saying “Mass on Sunday — confession on Saturday” is, in large measure, no longer true for many Catholics. But prior to the Second Vatican Council, this was the way the sacraments worked; there…
Happily ever after
I tell my son he must obey the Church’s laws concerning marriage. But he will do it his own way, I guess. His eyes turn steely when I start to cry. That’s his Army training. Emotions shut him down. All my kids heard the story of how…
A former evangelical discovers why we need the sacraments
I’ll never confess my sins to some man!” I spouted off a bit too forcefully to a Catholic friend. We were discussing what we believed was important for salvation. “I have my Bible and Jesus, and I confess my sins directly to him,” I…
Corpus Christi: An opportunity to carry the Living Christ out into the world
Although it is popular parlance to describe certain events or places as heaven on earth, I find this to be a hard sell. After all, the world can be a cruel and unforgiving place, populated with many who detest the very idea of heaven, life…
The shepherds of ordinary times
In these weeks when spring gives way to summer, many celebrate the ordinations of new priests — new shepherds who, in these difficult days, commit the rest of their lives to the sacred service of God and the people of God. It is also the…
Living with and praying for your non-Catholic spouse
June is a big month for weddings. For those of us planning to marry or are already married to non-Catholic spouses, the journey often ends up more difficult than we could have imagined. Once upon a time, Catholics were usually expected to…
Celebrating the Sacraments
...and gift ideas to commemorate Baptisms, First Communions, and Confirmations
Planning a liturgy for First Eucharist
Planning a liturgy for First Eucharist is a real challenge; there are so many things to consider! Yet each year, when I see the excitement in the eyes of our second graders, I find new energy and excitement myself. I think of the process as…
It Doesn’t Have to be a Missed Call
Just because you’re not in your 20s — or you’re not in perfect health — doesn’t mean you’ve lost your chance to discern consecrated life. I talked with Robyn Lee — former managing editor of Catholic Digest — about her vocation story; with…