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Border walking: How to love your neighbor

“There is ugliness in us, isn’t there?” the priest begins. “We are flawed. We are human. And God wants us — God is commanding us — to take all of the ugliness we work so hard to bury deep within us, to take all that poison, the aspects…

I’ll do it myself

The dying words of St. John Paul II were, “Let me go to the house of my Father.” Isn’t that beautiful? Isn’t that what you want to be saying when you die? St. Thérèse died whispering, “My God! I love you!” Even George Washington muttered,…

Five Ways to Observe Holy Week

1. Attend the Chrism Mass  At Mass on the morning of Holy Thursday or another day near Easter, each diocese’s bishop consecrates the Holy Chrism that will be used throughout the year. Two other oils are also blessed on this occasion; the…

Five Individual Lenten Practices

1. Read the Bible daily. Make time every day to read a passage from Scripture. By daily immersing yourself in the stories and lessons of Scripture, you will better prepare yourself for Easter. If you go to the United States Conference of…

Living Lent to the Fullest

Lent this year comes at the end of a long winter. The gray skies and lack of sunshine can be taxing on our spiritual and psychological health, and we may not feel motivated to enter into this holy season. But Lent can be forty days of…