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Daily prayer
Daily Prayer: Your words fell upon deaf ears
Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent Your words fell upon deaf ears, Lord. The descendants of Adam sought to kill you, for they feared your revelations. Yet in doing so, they only ensured that the old ways would fall away, and a new world…
Daily Prayer: All power of the Son
Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent All power of the Son comes from the Father, for both are part of the greater Trinity. Those who do not understand the might of the Trinity shall linger in darkness, for they refuse to see a glory greater…
Daily Prayer: The blind did not see
Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent The blind did not see the magnificence of the Son, for they claimed only to know the Father without truly knowing either. Such is the ignorance brought about by sin that we can no longer recognize what is…
Daily Prayer: All suffer the stain of our parents’ first sin
Fifth Sunday of Lent All suffer the stain of our parents’ first sin. Only the Lord is without sin, and so we must look to him for forgiveness. Until we can do this, we shall live in the lie of our own superiority, and sin all the more.…
Daily Prayer: People had their doubts
Saturday of the Fourth Week of Lent People had their doubts to the glory of what was to come, blinded by their hubris. Yet at the moment of the Resurrection, all doubts were forevermore made pointless. The glory of the Lord is undeniable…
Daily Prayer: You walked among the ungracious
Optional Memorial of St. Vincent Ferrer, Priest You walked among the ungracious and unrepentant, Lord, for this is the way of humanity. Only those who abandon their pride and recognize in You alone the way of just living shall find solace…
Daily Prayer: Despite all that you are
Optional Memorial of St. Isidore, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Despite all that you are, there shall still be people who reject your glory, Lord Jesus. Obstinate, prideful, or willingly blind, they eschew your praises in favor of…
Daily Prayer: Our Father has bestowed
Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent Our Father has bestowed upon his Son the powers of healing and redemption, for the Son is one with the Father in the might of the Trinity. In the Son, we find redemption for our sins against the Father;…
Daily Prayer: The trivialities of the Old Law
Optional Memorial of St. Francis of Paola, Hermit The trivialities of the Old Law have no bearing upon us anymore, for you have fulfilled them all, Lord Jesus. In your death, the last sacrifice has been made, and the human race redeemed.…
Daily Prayer: Only those without faith
Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent Only those without faith depend upon signs and wonders in order to believe in your might, Lord Jesus. More blessed are those who know you in their hearts, and trust in the Word alone. Theirs is a faith…