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Advent prayers and homemade guitars
Thanksgiving afternoon, I stood shivering in our unheated garage, wishing I had brought ear protection. And a coat. Across from me my son, Mike, was bent over our makeshift worktable slicing his way through almost two inches of pine…
Ransoming Advent: Rediscovering the hidden gifts of the season
The real sign that he chose is hiddenness. … This sign of hiddenness points us toward the fact that the reality of truth and love, the actual reality of God, is not to be met within the world of quantities but can only be found if we rise…
Emptying the Stable
It’s Christmastime! There are only so many shopping days left! Have you put lights on your house yet, sent out cards, and bought sufficient gifts? Do you need something new to wear for the annual Christmas party? Have you planned the meal…
Celebrate Mary’s conception, not Jesus’s
During my high school years, I believed the Immaculate Conception was the conception of Jesus. I was taking instruction in religion from a teacher who had a master’s degree in Catholic theology. On Dec. 8, he stood up in front of the class…
Give Jesus your heart and home for Christmas this year
The Christmas season can be a time of distraction for many of us if we allow ourselves to focus too much on “what it is we want” rather than “what we have to offer." Do not get me wrong, I, too, love Christmas gift giving, but let us recall…
Has Christmas Come for You Yet?
One of the things I love about Christmas being celebrated for an octave (or twelve days, or right up until the February 2 Presentation of the Lord if you’re diehard) is that it takes the pressure off December 25th to be the one and only…
Christmas traditions around the world
Every December and in every country on the planet, people celebrate Christmas. There may be caroling, candles, decorated trees, Nativity scenes, candy canes, Advent wreaths, mistletoe, wrapped gifts, social gatherings, gift giving,…
Christmas décor, Catholic style
There are many beautiful Christmas traditions that stir us to a deeper appreciation of this holy season. Candles and colored lights awaken our senses and remind us of the Light of Christ entering the world. The scents of holiday cooking…
Shepherds, kings, gold-foil stars…and llamas
Every child’s eyes focused on the altar, watching the annual Christmas pageant in rapt attention. Mary and Joseph entered, carrying Baby Jesus. The chorus of fourth and fifth grade girls sang, “Gloria in excelsis Deo.” This poignant family…
Icicle lights, Dorothy Day, and what Advent has to offer
As soon as the leftover Thanksgiving turkey is sealed in its Tupperware and placed in the refrigerator, I can typically be found climbing a ladder in the garage, bringing boxes marked “Christmas Decorations” down from the rafters. As the…