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The perfect Christmas gift

It’s not too late to take a tip on Christmas gift giving from two doctors of the Church: St. Alphonsus Liguori and St. Teresa of Ávila. You can help a soul in purgatory reach heaven on Dec. 25. And — marking the eight days of the Octave of…

Advent prayers and homemade guitars

Thanksgiving afternoon, I stood shivering in our unheated garage, wishing I had brought ear protection. And a coat. Across from me my son, Mike, was bent over our makeshift worktable slicing his way through almost two inches of pine…

Emptying the Stable

It’s Christmastime! There are only so many shopping days left! Have you put lights on your house yet, sent out cards, and bought sufficient gifts? Do you need something new to wear for the annual Christmas party? Have you planned the meal…

Has Christmas Come for You Yet?

One of the things I love about Christmas being celebrated for an octave (or twelve days, or right up until the February 2 Presentation of the Lord if you’re diehard) is that it takes the pressure off December 25th to be the one and only…