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My 10 Favorite Movie Romances That Don’t Show Up on Romantic Movie Lists
Every year Valentine’s Day brings new lists of top romantic movies, often with many titles recycled from previous lists—some deservedly so (Casablanca, The Princess Bride, Groundhog Day), others less so in my book (Titanic, The Notebook, …
St. Luke, pray for us!
Test your Knowledge of Trees in the Bible
Our Lady of Fatima at the Movies
May is the Month of Mary, and May 13 is the memorial day of Our Lady of Fátima. On this day in 1981, Pope John Paul II was shot in St. Peter’s Square, and he ascribed his survival to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, linking the…
Gratia Plena, sung by Andrea Bocelli (From the soundtrack of “Fatima”)
The new hit single from the movie soundtrack "Fatima" featuring Andrea Bocelli. Learn more about the film, here.
FATIMA through the eyes of the shepherd children
by Lori Hadacek Chaplin Unlike previous movies about the Fatima apparitions, a new movie, simply titled Fatima, provides a more realistic retelling that delves into the humanity of the seers. The film, which opens in theaters on August 28,…
Fr. Chip Hines: ‘I Am Patrick’ teaches about conversion for young and old
The movie I Am Patrick (available on DVD) is a documentary chronicling the life of St. Patrick with dramatizations of moments from his life, as well as expert commentary from St. Patrick scholars. When I watch a documentary I am hoping to…
Review: ‘The Two Popes’ is provocative, entertaining
When I heard that a movie was being made named The Two Popes I was intrigued. I was further interested when I heard that Benedict XVI and Francis would be the titular popes. A little bit of a disclaimer, Pope Benedict XVI is one of my…
Knights of Columbus series shows ‘Everyday Heroes’
I am a member of the Knights of Columbus and have been for almost 20 years. I am always amazed at the good works performed and money raised for charity; the sheer volume of hours, and the staggering amount of money raised every year…
‘Hesburgh’ shows the power of the priesthood
The University of Notre Dame has always held a soft spot in my Catholic heart. I can remember watching Knute Rockne All American as a kid and thinking I’d like to go there some day. Well, like most childhood dreams this one faded away into…