Additional COVID-19 resources for practicing your faith at home
During the COVID-19 crisis, we recommend the following resources to strengthen your faith during these challenging times. These materials have ebook versions.
Wisdom from the Church’s Holy Ones
by Connie Clark (Creative Communications for the Parish)
Learn from their exemplary lives, be emboldened by the examples of the ”Church’s holy ones.“ Lent with the Saints gives us the opportunity to allow a bright and shining light to guide us on our Lenten journey.
Read and reflect on the often difficult but ultimately joy-filled lives of the saints and join in their joy and love for the Lord. Spend Lent ”with the saints“ and continue on toward a more holy Easter season! The book features 45 saints, including St. Joseph, St. St. Dominic, and St. Joan of Arc.
Reflections on the Power of the Risen Christ
by Michael Hoy (Creative Communications for the Parish)
In these 40 devotions for the Easter season (from Easter Sunday through the Ascension) or for a season of grief after a loved one has died, author Michael Hoy focuses on the marks on the Risen Christ as revealed to the disciples after his resurrection.
These marks are symbols of the redemptive power to bring wholeness and healing to the very real physical, emotional, spiritual, and societal wounds present in our own lives as Easter people. These enduring marks of the Crucified and Risen Christ serve to encourage and strengthen us as we move forward in our faith, away from his death and the painful loss of loved ones, and toward the perfect glory yet to be revealed in heaven.
Daily Catholic Devotions
by Terence Hegarty (Creative Communications for the Parish)
Invite the Lord into your life every day of the season with Living Faith Lent. This small devotional is the perfect spiritual resource for when we are called to greater prayer and reflection upon Scripture.
Living Faith Lent provides reflections tailored to the season, helping you to contemplate your faith life as you seek to strengthen it. The most popular authors of Living Faith Daily Catholic Devotions will be your guides, reflecting on the Scripture of the day. Each writer shares compelling and very personal experiences with readers in preparation for the great celebration of Jesus’ victory over sin and death.
Free online Catholic resources to use at home during COVID-19 outbreak