Books to nurture your faith this summer

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The long, relaxing days of summer do not mean you have to take a vacation from learning about our Catholic faith. Take these books to the pool or beach and see what you learn while taking that much-deserved break.


Who Am I to Judge? 

Responding to Relativism with Logic and Love 

by Edward Sri (Ignatius Press and the Augustine Institute)


“Well, abortion may be wrong for you, but it would not be for everyone.” “We each have to discover our own truth about these things.” “Don’t judge me.” Statements like these seem to make rational discussion about morality impossible. Theologian Ed Sri explains the shaky mind-set of relativism and equips you to help those who have been infected by it.


How to Read Your Way to Heaven 

A Spiritual Reading Program for the Worst of Sinners, the Greatest of Saints, and Everyone in Between 

by Vicki Burbach (Sophia Institute Press)


The Bible. The Catechism. Saints’ lives. Catholic classics. You know you ought to read them. But where to start? How many minutes per day? And where to find the time? Fear not! Vicki Burbach has selected the very best and split them up in to manageable daily portions. At the end of five years, you will have read through the entire Bible and Catechism of the Catholic Church, plus 40-some other spiritual classics.


Bored Again Catholic

How the Mass Could Save Your Life 

by Timothy P. O’Malley (Our Sunday Visitor)


There’s good boredom and bad boredom at Mass. The bad kind is when we are checking our watches and can’t wait to dash to the parking lot. The good kind is when our minds are quiet, leading to contemplation and ending in praise of God’s loving mercy. The author holds up each part of the Mass like a precious jewel until we can see it sparkle, preparing us to contemplate it in blessed “boredom” next Sunday.


Lift Up Your Heart 

A 10-Day Personal Retreat with St. Francis de Sales 

by John Burns (Ave Maria Press)


Popular speaker Fr. John Burns has taken the meditations from de Sales’ Introduction to the Devout Life, made them more accessible to the modern reader, and expanded them into a do-it-yourself retreat. St. Francis de Sales’ 400-year-old reflections are spiritual gems, but they are not easy to get through without a little guidance. Fr. Burns supplies that in abundance, leading us to examine the purpose of our lives and to make a decision for the future and for eternity.


Featured Books


That You Might Have Life 

12 Spiritual Practices to Nurture Your Call to Holiness 

by David Haas (Twenty-Third Publications)


We all feel the desire for “something more” no matter where we are in our spiritual journey. In this very personal and helpful book, liturgical composer David Haas helps us to see that holiness is the key to our search, and holiness begins when we realize that we are God’s beloved children. Haas offers 12 simple spiritual practices to help us grow closer to God and one another.


Praying on Empty 

A Guide to Rediscovering Your Prayerful Self 

by Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND (Twenty-Third Publications)


In this book you can explore the reasons people find their prayer experience empty and learn strategies for recovering a sense of meaning and joy when you pray. Each chapter offers questions to ponder and prayers to help you express your thoughts and feelings. Infused with stories of saints and everyday folks who’ve been there, this reassuring book can serve as a map through the desert toward real spiritual growth.

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