Skip or watch? A guide to the Super Bowl

In the past, on autumn afternoons after Sunday Mass, you could always go over to my in-laws’ house, sit down, and watch the NFL with them. Not anymore. “We were deeply offended by the position that a number of NFL players took at the…

Defend Pope Francis

I spent a year reading Pope Francis, and it was the hardest year of my life. It wasn’t that Pope Francis is hard to read — he’s not. It is just that he was really hard to read in 2015–2016, if you knew you had to write a book…

Eight Weeks in the Heart of Spring

For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the Church’s calendar is genius. In December, when the cold sets in to stay, we don’t mind because the Church gives us Advent and Christmas. When February drives us to despair that the cold will…