Fr. Thomas V. Berg, Ph.D.
Fr. Thomas V. Berg is professor of moral theology and director of admissions at St. Joseph’s Seminary (Dunwoodie) and author most recently of Hurting in the Church: A Way Forward for Wounded Catholics . In addition to moral theology, his areas of specialization include natural law theory, medical ethics, and philosophical and theological anthropology. He has been published or quoted in Crisis Magazine, the National Catholic Register, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times. He can be reached at
Dear Father: My friend works for a company whose methods she says are rather dishonest. She’s really not comfortable with the way they tell her to serve customers. She would like to quit, but she’s afraid for her own financial situation and…
What does it really mean to ‘offer it up’?
Q. Dear Father: I grew up with a mom who always told me to “offer it up” whenever anything went wrong. Now that I am an adult, I wonder if maybe I need a more grown-up understanding of “offering up” sacrifices. What exactly does that…
Why can’t I go to Communion if I don’t go to Mass every Sunday?
DEAR FATHER: I don’t go to church that often, but I enjoy going with the relatives on holidays like Christmas and Easter. On those occasions I also like to go to Communion with all the family — it gives us a special sense of togetherness,…
Seminary formation
by Fr. Thomas Berg By fall 2018 — after U.S. Catholicism’s summer of scandals — I was frequently being asked about the condition of our seminaries. Catholics have rightly wondered: Since The Boston Globe first confronted us with the depth…
The Church’s Revamped Rite of Marriage Explained
A fun part of helping a couple get ready for celebrating marriage is to let them know at some point that they — not the priest or deacon — are the ministers of the sacrament. The bride and groom mutually confer the sacrament of Matrimony…