
Pat Gohn
Pat Gohn serves as the editorial director for Living Faith, a periodical with daily Catholic devotions. She previously served as editor for Catechist and at Catholic Digest, print editions. An author, speaker, and catechist, you can find more of her work at
Sometimes, the joy busters of life get the better of me. When I feel that way, the Catholic Church beckons me to turn my attention toward Sunday. This is much more than the modern notion of “living” for the weekend. Tucked inside the…
Angels among us
by Pat Gohn There are angels among us. Yet too often, we ignore their existence. Meanwhile the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) has much to say about these remarkable spiritual creatures. The Bible uses the word angel to…
Saintly sound bites and sacraments
Saints’ quotes are some of my favorite things about the Catechism of the Catholic Church. They bring the richness of our faith alive. Besides saints being beacons of holiness and wisdom, their genius is often found in their simple and…
Tips for personal prayer
Encountering God is the heart of Catholic life. We are invited to pray, not just on Sundays at Mass, but every day! Our Father in heaven is the one who loves us 24/7, even if we sometimes forget this. Jesus came to earth to show us the face…
God Became Man
As Catholics, we profess our belief in the Incarnation in the Nicene Creed: Jesus Christ “came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.” The Incarnation is a unique and singular event. Its…
Citizens of heaven living as citizens on earth
If you are baptized, you are a citizen of heaven — your true home. The saints — the citizens of heaven who have arrived there ahead of us — are cheering us on! While the saints remind us of all we could be, more importantly they should…
A Catechism lesson: Discouraged by evil and sin? Take heart!
Discouraged by evil and sin? Take heart! Our Catholic faith helps us understand the spiritual battle between God and evil. We’ve all been victims of evil in varying sinful degrees. That’s why the Gospel is called Good News. The Catechism of…
Priest, prophet, and king — who, me?
Upon witnessing the Baptism of my first grandchild, I once again heard the threefold description in our call to holiness. After the Baptism comes the anointing with sacred chrism oil, wherein the priest or deacon prays these words: As…
Symbols of the Spirit
Part of the richness of our Catholic sacramental life is its tangibility — its appeal to our senses. Natural elements like water and fire are used in our sacraments to remind us of holy intangibles. Yet these symbols aren’t things that…
The witness of Sts. Peter and Paul
It’s well known that at times St. Peter, the first pope, and St. Paul, “the great apostle,” had disagreements (see Acts 15:1–35, Galatians 2:11–16). Yet they shared the same Lord, the same faith, and the same preaching inspired by the Holy…