Maria Morera Johnson
Maria Morera Johnson is the award-winning and bestselling author of "My Badass Book of Saints" and "Super Girls and Halos." Her new book, "Our Lady of Charity: How a Cuban Devotion to Mary Helped Me Grow in Faith and Love," is a spiritual memoir. Johnson is an international speaker, retreat leader, and contributor to various Catholic publications.
Superheroes dominate today’s culture. We need only look at the blockbuster films featuring compelling characters with superpowers to know that Hollywood has found a lucrative formula. The enormous success of Marvel and DC films create an…
Navigating Social Media Postings When You are a Grandparent
By Maria Morera Johnson It began innocently enough: I became a mistaken identity due to typo on another person's social media account. The result: I am currently the face of a meme circulating in Latin America warning children they will be…