Making the Most out of Summer

What is your first thought about summertime? “Yay, no more schedules! Time to have fun!” or “Uh-oh, what do I do without the school-year routine? The kids will be bored.” Whether you are looking forward to the unstructured freedom of summer…

What Is Your Love Language?

How do you communicate your love for others? How do others communicate their love for you? We give our love to family, friends, and those in need, but many times they can fail to feel our love because we don’t effectively communicate. Why?…

Getting quality sleep

We may think of sleep as that elusive thing that we can’t quite catch enough of at times in our life. Sleep, however, is essential for much of our functioning during waking hours. Sleep is when our bodies rejuvenate cells, tissues, organs,…

Overcoming Depression

Sarah was an active mom with three small children. She was involved in her weekly mother’s group and had offered to be the one to organize and run the group several times in the past. She was generally seen as a “go-getter” by her family…