La Croix International
La Croix International provides unique insights on issues that matter — in the wider world — on politics, society, religion, culture, education, and ethics. Intended for an international readership and drawn from a daily selection of key articles from La Croix, this new English language edition broadens the global reach of a news service that has already achieved a well-earned reputation for informative and engaging content with a distinctive Catholic viewpoint. La Croix International and La Croix are published by Bayard Presse.
Pope Francis slowly made his way up the steps to the place in St. Peter's Square where he usually presides at the general audience. Alone, he listened to the Gospel reading. Alone, he prayed before the icon of the Virgin Mary, Salus Populi…
Extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing on March 27
Amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic Pope Francis has announced that he will give an extraordinary blessing "urbi et orbi" (to the city and the world) at 6 p.m. Rome time March 27. The formal blessing — usually given only immediately after…
Pope Francis urges priests to tend to sick, prays for health care workers
Pope Francis prayed that priests would find the courage to visit those who are sick during the coronavirus epidemic, while also keeping themselves and others safe. During a live broadcast of his daily morning Mass, the pope again prayed for…
Lent enables us to see, touch with faith, the flesh of Christ in those who suffer
In his message for Lent this year, Pope Francis points to the paschal mystery — the mystery of Jesus' passion, death, and resurrection — as the basis of conversion. The message bears the subtitle: "We implore you on behalf of Christ: be…
Courageous response required of the Church for Amazon region, pope says
VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis said he dreams of an Amazon region where the rights of the poor and indigenous are respected, local cultures are preserved, nature is protected, and the Catholic Church is present and active with "Amazonian…
Pope to celebrate 50 years of priesthood
"And please don't forget to pray for me." This is how Pope Francis has concluded each of his public addresses for almost seven years now. A request is made by founders of Hozana, a social prayer network, which has set up a large prayer…
Be enchanted by the Nativity scene, pope tells Catholics
The Nativity scene is a simple reminder of how God became human to reveal the greatness of his love "by smiling and opening his arms to all," Pope Francis said in a letter on the meaning and importance of setting up Christmas cribs.…
Centenary year opens for Sacred Heart Basilica in Paris
The year-long centenary celebrations of Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Paris started Oct. 20. "It will be an opportunity to thank God for what our forebears in faith have done," said Fr. Jean Laverton, the basilica's rector. Welcome! …
Pope encourages, thanks priests
VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis has expressed his gratitude to priests and encouraged them "in these difficult times." In a letter to mark the 160th anniversary of the death of St. John Vianney, the Curé d'Ars and patron saint of parish…
Pope issues new norms for reporting, investigating clergy abuse
Pope Francis has released a new law making it mandatory for all clerics and members of religious orders to report cases of clerical sexual abuse to Church authorities. It also includes actions or omissions of bishops and religious superiors…