John J. Boucher
JOHN J. BOUCHER is a Catholic evangelization consultant and trainer. He has authored many books and articles, and he is the co-author of the book, Mending Broken Relationships, Building Strong Ones: Eight Ways to Love as Jesus Loves Us (The Word Among Us Press, 2015).
by John J. Boucher Once, while setting up for a workshop about “adult children,” three parents approached me. Maria lamented, “I brought my kids to Mass every week, but only one out of three is now willing to go to church.” Frank added, “My…
Grappling with guilt
by John J. Boucher I confess, I am directionally challenged! When driving to meetings or workshops, I tend to get lost. So, one Christmas, a friend gave me a GPS. This device does not hesitate to tell me that I missed a street and must make…
When Someone You Love Stops Going to Church
by John J. Boucher At one time, my wife and I were contributing authors for a book called Keeping Your Kids Catholic. Just before its release, our oldest son Charles returned home from a summer art workshop with long hair and body…