
Fr. Edward Looney
FR. EDWARD LOONEY is a priest of the Diocese of Green Bay and a member of the Mariological Society of America. His latest book is "A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary" (Sophia Institute Press, 2019). He hosts the podcast "How They Love Mary." Learn more about his work at
The parishes I serve in southern Door and Kewaunee counties in Wisconsin are surrounded by bodies of water. One is close to the Bay of Green Bay, off which, many of my parishioners live. The other is situated closer to Lake Michigan. In my…
Give up gossip for Lent — and for life
When I joined the seminary back in 2007, and rejoined in 2009, the community came together each morning and evening to pray the Liturgy of the Hours. After two psalms and a canticle are prayed, a brief reading from sacred Scripture is…
Praying for the family that I never knew
My family life was less than ideal. My mother and father separated before I was born. I was raised by my mother, who lived with my maternal grandmother. My grandfather already died a few years before my birth. My last name, Looney, is my…
General absolution on Sept. 11, 2001
During the meeting of the Mariological Society of America back in May 2019, I had the opportunity to visit Holy Cross Family Ministries and learn more about the life and legacy of the “Rosary Priest,” Fr. Patrick Peyton, CSC. Part of our…
Jesus, Mary, and the solar system
Subscribers to the print edition of Catholic Digest probably already saw the Apollo 11 moon landing cover story for the June/July/August 2019 issue. With the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 this week and thinking about outer space, I thought…
Making sense of Medjugorje
I woke on Sunday morning to an influx of social media notifications and texts. A statement about Medjugorje was proclaimed in the parish church of St. James in the remote Bosnian town. Videos people sent me were not in English and not…
Processing the Notre Dame fire with the eyes of faith
Where were you when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated? (I was not yet born.) When 9/11 happened? (I was in seventh grade social studies class.) Add to that list: “Where were you when you heard Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris was on…
Living the Message of Fatima 100 Years Later
2017 is an exciting year for Catholics who have a devotion to the Blessed Mother. Like every year, May is a very important month for Marian devotion, with May crowning and celebrating Marian feasts. This year, May 13 has special importance…