Fr. Edward Looney
FR. EDWARD LOONEY is a priest of the Diocese of Green Bay and a member of the Mariological Society of America. His latest book is "A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary" (Sophia Institute Press, 2019). He hosts the podcast "How They Love Mary." Learn more about his work at
There are two types of Christmas movies: the classics such as Miracle on 34th Street or It’s a Wonderful Life and then there are the contemporary Hallmark Channel or Netflix Originals. I’ve heard people lament, especially about the latter,…
Lessons Mary taught at Champion
It’s been a month now since the children or grandchildren in your life have gone back to school. Whether it’s their grammar-school, primary-school, high-school, or college years, they are sitting in classrooms and receiving instruction. …
At the hour of our death
Have you ever been with someone as they passed from this life to the next? As a priest, I have been. I also hear many stories about someone’s last moments before drawing their dying breath. The richness of our Catholic tradition preserves…
Finding New Meaning in the Rosary
In my work as a Marian speaker, columnist, and author of a popular rosary devotional, and in my role as a parish priest, I am often met with questions about the rosary. People either ask me questions to better understand the rosary, or they…
“Did God and Jesus exist before the Holy Spirit?”
by Fr. Edward Looney Q Dear Father: In the Nicene Creed we say at Mass it says that the Holy Spirit “proceeds from the Father and the Son.” It seems to me that this indicates he was just kind of an afterthought and is not equal to the…
What do we know about the Annunciation?
What we do know about Mary comes to us from the Gospel evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. In the early centuries of the Church, many traditions arose around Mary and her life. Some have no foundation in Scripture, such as her…
Celebrate Mary’s conception, not Jesus’s
During my high school years, I believed the Immaculate Conception was the conception of Jesus. I was taking instruction in religion from a teacher who had a master’s degree in Catholic theology. On Dec. 8, he stood up in front of the class…
When Mary just shows up
It’s the middle of August. Summer is quickly coming to an end. Our calendars are busy with back-to-school shopping, sports practices beginning again, moving children to college, and enjoying the last days of relaxation before everything…
10 simple spiritual resolutions for the new year
Losing weight, eating healthier, exercising more regularly, getting more sleep, or quitting a bad habit probably top your New Year’s resolution list for 2020. Have you thought about making a spiritual resolution for 2020? It’s great to…
10 ways to strengthen your Eucharistic belief
by Fr. Edward Looney The Catholic world was abuzz with the findings of a Pew Research survey released pertaining to the number of Catholics who do not believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Bishop Robert Barron made…