Daria Sockey
DARIA SOCKEY is the author of "The Everyday Catholic’s Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours" (Franciscan Media). She lives in northwestern Pennsylvania.
As the writer of the Bookshelf column for Catholic Digest, I find the most difficult part of the job isn’t the actual writing, but the selection process. Anywhere from 12 to 20 new titles come through my mailbox each month. After weeding…
Teaching Children About Biblical Typology
Biblical typology is an area of Scripture study that points out persons and events in the Old Testament called “types,” prophetic signs of Jesus in his incarnation, teachings, death, and resurrection. Calling Jesus “the New Adam” and Mary…
How much do you know about moveable feasts?
Books to nurture your faith this summer
The long, relaxing days of summer do not mean you have to take a vacation from learning about our Catholic faith. Take these books to the pool or beach and see what you learn while taking that much-deserved break. Who Am I to Judge?…
Spring Spiritual Reading
May is dedicated to the Blessed Mother. Two of the books covered here will teach you more about Mary and draw you closer to her and her Son. “And coming to her, said, “Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you” (Luke 1:28). Mary of…
Books to Continue Your Faith Journey During Easter
Perhaps during Lent you started the habit of reading something spiritual. Keep developing your faith this Easter season with these books.
Reading to Draw You Closer to Christ this Lent
How The Choir Converted the World Through Hymns, With Hymns, and In Hymns by Mike Aquilina (Emmaus Road Publishing) Author Mike Aquilina has made the theology of the early Fathers of the Church accessible to everyday Catholics. Now he shows…
Books for Spiritual Renewal this Advent
Numbering My Days How the Liturgical Calendar Rearranged My Life by Chene Heady (Ignatius Press) A college English professor, discouraged by the endless loop of daily tasks, began seeking order and meaning through living the liturgical…
She Never Lost Her Faith in God
The Letters, a bio-drama about Blessed Mother Teresa, was released in theaters December 2015. Its cast includes cinema stars Max von Sydow, Rutger Hauer, and Juliet Stevenson. Catholic Digest had the opportunity to speak with writer and…
The Catholic Table
Meet Emily Stimpson and the theology of hospitality