Faith and Fitness

We all know exercise is good for us. But our relationship with it is … complicated. Some of us are “yo-yo” exercisers. Our treadmills, weights, bikes, fitness apps, and gym memberships see bursts of use and then gather (real or…

How I Learned to Love the Rosary

The rosary, an icon of Catholic identity, rattling around in millions of Catholic drawers, purses, and pockets—not to mention dangling from Catholic rearview mirrors. It’s one of the most popular devotions acclaimed by popes and saints. Bl.…

Where Jesus Walked

I’ll never forget the day my husband called me from the Catholic organization where he worked. “Honey, the boss said that the Pontifical Council for the Family prefers to meet couples rather than just individuals. He thinks that when I go…

How I got saved

by Daria Sockey Protestant friends sometimes ask me when I got saved, was born again, or accepted Jesus as my personal savior. This starts a discussion where we define terms, parse Scripture, and make theological distinctions. But I think…

Lenten reading

There is no better time to develop a habit of reading Catholic authors than Lent. Consider these nonfiction options and one Catholic fiction selection. The Cries of Jesus from the Cross  An Anthology  by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (Sophia…