Daniel Mitsui
Daniel Mitsui is an artist specializing in detailed ink drawings on calfskin or paper. Since his Baptism in 2004, most of his artwork has been religious in subject. In this work, he attempts to be faithful to the Second Nicene Council’s instruction that the composition of religious imagery is not the painter’s invention, but is approved by the law and tradition of the Catholic Church. He lives near Chicago with his wife, Michelle (a classical singer), and their four children.
Blasco de Grañén, a Spanish artist from Zaragoza in the kingdom of Aragon, painted Nativity in the 15th century to depict the Magi adoring the Christ Child. Presumably it was created as one panel in a much larger retablo, an elaborate…
St. Michael, protect us!
The art known as Gothic began in the middle of the 12th century in France. It had nothing whatsoever to do with the Gothic language or the Gothic ethnicity; the name Gothic was first used as an insult by its detractors. The aesthetic ideas…
The Mystery of the Last Judgment
BY DANIEL MITSUI In theology, a mystery is defined as a truth that exceeds the natural power of knowing. Nothing so profound can be explained fully in either words or pictures. But the Catholic response is not to give up talking about it or…