Amy Ekeh
AMY EKEH is the director of Little Rock Scripture Study. She writes at, and lives in Milford, Connecticut, with her husband and their four children.
As we ring in the new year, many of us will make resolutions or think about how we want to live in 2020. Why not resolve to read the Bible for a few minutes every day? The Bible can help you understand God, yourself, and others better. It…
5 Scripture verses about waiting
The word Advent means “to arrive” or “to come.” We all know how hard it can be to wait for the arrival of something good. And of course, during Advent we are waiting for the best thing of all: the birth of Jesus into our world and our…
5 biblical perspectives on death and the afterlife
In keeping with our November remembrance of those who have died, this month we will survey several biblical perspectives on death and the afterlife. In a book as large and diverse as the Bible, we can expect to find a great variety of ideas…
5 good reasons to read the Bible
Do you want to become more familiar with Scripture but don’t know where to begin? You’ve come to the right place! Our new column, Bible in 5, will explore a variety of biblical topics in simple lists of five. The entire column only takes…
5 basic Bible facts
Fall means the beginning of a new school year, and even if you’re no longer a student, it’s always a good time to get back to basics! So let’s explore a few facts that will give you some knowledge and confidence when it comes to…
Five books of the Bible you may have never read (but you should!)
Looking for good summer reading? The Bible may not be the typical “go-to” book for taking along to the beach, but Scripture can be a wonderful summer companion. Consider choosing one or more of the following books to read through and pray…
Five Bible facts for Advent
Advent is the perfect time to learn more about the Gospel stories of Jesus’ conception, birth, and infancy. We call these stories the “infancy narratives.” We are already quite familiar with these stories, but you may find something new or…
5 important women in the Gospels
by Amy Ekeh We’re all familiar with Mary, the mother of Jesus; Mary Magdalene; and Mary and Martha of Bethany, who spent considerable time with Jesus and were part of his inner circle. In this issue, let’s look beyond these wonderful women…
Five Things we learn about Mary in the Bible
by Amy Ekeh In this Marian month of May, let’s spend a few minutes reflecting on some of the things we know about Mary from reading the Bible. As it turns out, we don’t know a lot! Although all four Gospels mention Jesus’ mother, when we…
5 Reasons to Fast According to the Bible
BY AMY EKEH Why do we fast — or give something up — during Lent? Is fasting a punishment? Does God want us to make ourselves miserable? Or is fasting just an old-fashioned thing we do that really has no meaning? Reflecting on what Scripture…