Choose life: Five pro-life activities

Attend March for Life

The annual March for Life is Jan. 24 in Washington. Join thousands of pro-life demonstrators for a noon rally at 12th Street on the National Mall. A march follows at approximately 1 p.m. Later in the day, you can go visit your representative or senators. Visit for more information.

Become informed 

Study the Church’s teachings on life issues from conception to natural death. The Catechism of the Catholic Church is a terrific place to start. Abortion is covered in paragraphs 2270–2275; the death penalty is discussed in paragraph 2267; euthanasia is written about in paragraphs 2276–2279. Another good resource is St. John Paul II’s 1995 encyclical Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life). Visit to peruse the Catechism and read the encyclical. Visit for additional material.


One of the best ways to advocate life is through prayer. Talk to the priests or deacons at your parish about organizing Holy Hours and special prayer services or Masses that are dedicated to praying for life. Pray the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ pro-life novena, 9 Days for Life. Learn more at

Help a pregnancy center

Many pregnancy resource centers throughout the country are looking for both donations and volunteers. Host a baby shower at your parish, collecting both new and used items for expectant mothers that can be donated to a center. These items include bottles, diapers, formula, car seats, and clothing. Contact your diocese’s pro-life office for a list of centers in your community.

Visit the elderly, the lonely, the sick, the imprisoned

Do you have an elderly neighbor who lives alone? Is there a someone at work who always eats lunch by himself? Did you hear the list of ill members of your parish during the petitions at Sunday Mass? Do you live near a jail or a prison? All of these offer opportunities to show God’s mercy and respect for life by simply visiting someone. “Remember your compassion and your mercy, O Lord, for they are ages old” (Psalm 25:6).


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